Januaray 23, 2015
The GGJ brings together talented individuals from within your community. It is a unique opportunity for people to push their skills and challenge their way of working. Participants work concurrently with developers around the globe; we rally around a central theme, and then have 48 hours to create a game. It's our hope that we will see some very experimental realized prototypes that you can continue to work on after the jam. Many games developed in previous Game Jams have become fully realized games. The GGJ is open source, hardware & software agnostic and all projects are protected under a Creative Commons license. We encourage people to try out new ideas and push themselves, within reason. We also strongly encourage participants to remember to eat and sleep, to stay at their best!
Januaray 24, 2014
The GGJ brings together talented individuals from within your community. It is a unique opportunity for people to push their skills and challenge their way of working. Participants work concurrently with developers around the globe; we rally around a central theme, and then have 48 hours to create a game. It's our hope that we will see some very experimental realized prototypes that you can continue to work on after the jam. Many games developed in previous Game Jams have become fully realized games. The GGJ is open source, hardware & software agnostic and all projects are protected under a Creative Commons license. We encourage people to try out new ideas and push themselves, within reason. We also strongly encourage participants to remember to eat and sleep, to stay at their best!
May 25, 2013
Game Day is a chance for Game Developers to gather demo their games and get feedback from players. This is also a great opportunity to meet other developers, share ideas and network.
Januaray 27, 2013
The GGJ brings together talented individuals from within your community. It is a unique opportunity for people to push their skills and challenge their way of working. Participants work concurrently with developers around the globe; we rally around a central theme, and then have 48 hours to create a game. It's our hope that we will see some very experimental realized prototypes that you can continue to work on after the jam. Many games developed in previous Game Jams have become fully realized games. The GGJ is open source, hardware & software agnostic and all projects are protected under a Creative Commons license. We encourage people to try out new ideas and push themselves, within reason. We also strongly encourage participants to remember to eat and sleep, to stay at their best!
December 16, 2012
This is the first Blender meetup held in Miami, Fl. he GDG is turning 1 year older this December, what better way to keep on helping the GmeDev community in the area, than to help host its first Blender Meetup. We are looking forward to meeting other Blender users so we can all share and learn from our experiences.
December 12, 2012
This is the first of the “Dragon Master Lecture Series” which will be done by the First Guild Master of the GDG, Frank Hernandez. In this lecture we will first introduce the Unified Modeling Language (UML), for those who are not familiar with it. Then we, we will look into a series of Design Patterns in detail, especially on how they apply to video game implementation problems.
November 4, 2012
Game Day is a chance for Game Developers to gather demo their games and get feedback from players. This is also a great opportunity to meet other developers, share ideas and network. For this Game Day we have partnered up with the master gamers at Wiki Game Club at FIU (https://www.facebook.com/WikigamesFIU) and they will be present to play test many of the games and give feedback from an experience player’s point of view.
October 19-20, 2012
This agust the GDG parner up with the Miami Childrens' hospital and Extra-Life to jam for 24 hours and raise funds for the local hospital. The event took place along side Mia Animation which occured for the second time in Miami this year.
June 23-24, 2012
This past June 23, 2012 the Game Developers Guild hosted a Video Game Programming Hackathon (GDG Game Hack). The goal? Design and implement video games in 24 hours. This years we had 7 games developed in 24 hours: one Unity 3D game, two Html 5 games, two XNA games, and two Android games.
April 28-29, 2012
This past April 28 the Game Developers Guild came together with USATL in order to hold a 24-hour college level game programming competition.
February 10, 2012
Come mingle with other game developers and join us as we play and review the games created during this year's GGJ by developers from around the worlds.
January 25-29, 2012
The GGJ brings together talented individuals from within your community. It is a unique opportunity for people to push their skills and challenge their way of working. Participants work concurrently with developers around the globe; we rally around a central theme, and then have 48 hours to create a game. It's our hope that we will see some very experimental realized prototypes that you can continue to work on after the jam. Many games developed in previous Game Jams have become fully realized games. The GGJ is open source, hardware & software agnostic and all projects are protected under a Creative Commons license. We encourage people to try out new ideas and push themselves, within reason. We also strongly encourage participants to remember to eat and sleep, to stay at their best!
December 30, 2011
GAME: "A Flippling Good Time" A Flipping Good Time is a fast-paced free-flowing 2D platformer. Flip and fly through an expansive underground world using the fluid nature of gravity to avoid the hazardous terrain. With challenging obstacles, exhilarating mine cart rides, an immersive environment, rewarding collectibles, and entertaining levels with unlockable bonus levels, A Flipping Good Time is just that: A Flipping Good Time. More information on the game along with a download link can be found here.